A firm that helps companies and leaders find the confidence, value and success in being effective communicators.


Communication Coaching

Presentation Prep & Review

Moderating & Facilitating

We help leaders find their voice and influence others to see the role effective communications can play in their lives.

If you are doing any of the following, let’s chat!

+Transitioning from a job or classroom to a defining career.

+Planning a conference or considering a team building experience for your department.

+Getting ready to speak in front of an audience of one or many.



TRM Consulting Group is a firm that believes effective communication is the primary key to personal and professional growth. We help our clients develop self-awareness, authenticity and relationships to engage a variety of internal and external audiences.

Whether you’re navigating a new role, seeking an improved relationship with your leader, or getting ready for an important presentation, how you talk with yourself will impact how you talk with others.


As a Senior Executive, I had the privilege of having Tammy as my communications coach and strategic advisor. She definitely had her work cut out for her,  “Get out of your own head”, and “Be yourself” were messages I heard often. Tammy earned my trust pretty quickly because of her patience, flexibility and ability to build rapport. I learned the power of authenticity and brevity. She pushed me out of my comfort zone and always provided honest feedback. We celebrated success together. I am forever changed. -Kiva Elliott

In April, I was asked to be a panelist at the Alamance Chamber of Commerce's annual ROAR conference. As a small business owner, I was thrilled to be able to share my message about holistic health and healing with a large audience. However, I was also incredibly anxious as I had never spoken in front of such a large crowd. The moderator for the panel was Tammy Myrick and immediately upon meeting her, she put me at ease. Her first words of encouragement will forever stay with me. She told us “just to make eye contact with her on the stage and let her guide us through this conversation amongst friends.” In fact, on the day of the event, that is exactly what she did. Tammy flawlessly guided three health and wellness professionals through a 75-minute conversation, making powerful connections,  putting me at ease, and most of all facilitating a discussion that drew out each of our individual expertise.

 Tammy is extremely talented at not only facilitating conversation but at connecting dots and drawing powerful conclusions for the audience. Our panel presentation was successful due to Tammy’s natural and authentic ability to connect with each of us on a personal level and draw out our strengths. I would welcome any opportunity to be a panelist with Tammy again. She is a natural. - Marna Winter, M.Ed HHC

"As I ascend to higher levels of leadership, Tammy's coaching has helped me communicate in ways that are unique to my leadership style. It's so empowering to learn that the tools for success were already within my reach and Tammy helped me tap into that invaluable potential. As I navigate my career, I'm always able to refer back to her coaching as an "inner voice" to continue my growth and leadership mindset. It's like a gift that keeps on giving!" -Anida Kleege